Saturday, May 3, 2008

Al Gore is getting rich (and you're not)

Al Gore’s Carbon Crusade
The Money and Connections Behind It
Former Vice President Al Gore’s crusade against carbon dioxide emissions could make him millions of dollars. With help from friends at Goldman Sachs, Gore has established a network of organizations to promote the “climate crisis”—and keep himself in the spotlight. Gore’s crusade already has had an enormous impact on corporate decision-making and government policies. But how will it affect his personal and political fortunes? This link goes to a detailed 9 page article that describes the money engine that Al Gore has put in place.

From The Article (FTA): "while the mainstream media promotes his ideas about the state of planet Earth, it is mostly silent about the dramatic impact his economic proposals would have on America.
And journalists routinely ignore evidence that he may personally benefit from his programs.
Would the romance fizzle if Gore’s followers realized how much their man stands to gain?"

This is the smoking gun into his finances for which I have been searching. It is remarkable to see the breadth of what he has put in motion here.

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